As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim for compensation should, in our opinion, be referred to them for settlement. 鉴于货运公司应对这次损失负责,我方的意见是,你们应该向他们提出索赔来解决问题。
Container shipping lines typically claim that customers prefer knowing precisely when their goods will arrive at a port to their arriving at the highest possible speed. 集装箱班轮企业一般都会宣称,与其说客户看重以最快速度送达,不如说他们更重视准确了解货物会在什么时间抵达某个港口。
It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 航运公司为打捞沉船的费用提出要求,这并非奇闻。
Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim. 有时候轮船公司或者保险公司应负责赔偿。
A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship. 某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用。
To tender ( or surrender) the shipping documents: The collecting bank or the holder of the shipping documents hands over them to the drawee. Be it enough that we have an on-board bill of lading to claim a settlement? 交单代收行或持票把装船单据提交给受票人叫做交单。我们提出索赔时仅凭已装运提单就够了吗?
You may expect the shipping company to entertain your claim. 你们可以要求轮船公司接受你们的索赔。
You should retain your ups Internet shipping receipt for at least as long as the period in which to make a claim. 您的ups网上托运收据至少应该保留到可索偿期间。
Attach a copy of your shipping record for the above package. You may send all documents by mail to the address listed on your Claim Notification Letter. 附上上述包裹的运输记录的复印件。您可以将所有文件邮寄到〃索赔通知信件〃上列出的地址。